Lesson 4: Adding on using IOManip

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In this lesson we covered iomanip (full listing of functions in library here: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iomanip/). The 4 functions that we set our sights on were

  1. showpoint (via setiosflags)
  2. fixed(via setiosflags)
  3. setprecision
  4. setw

Showpoint is an ios flag that forces the console to show the numbers after the decimal point. This is true even with integer numbers that do not have a decimal point

Fixed is an ios flag that forces the console to show a certain amount of numbers after the decimal point

Setprecision is a function that specifies the minimum precision (points after the decimal) you will allow it to print.

Setw is a function used for formatting tables. It automatically adds a certain number of spaces. You can also change the fill using setfill (linked in the reference above)