Lesson 20 — Introduction to Objects (classes) and Constructors

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using namespace std;


class car{
  int windows;
  int wheels;
  double fuelEconomy; //Miles Per Gallon // Litres per Kilo

  void figureMPG(double milesDrivem, double gallonsOfGas){
    fuelEconomy = milesDrivem / gallonsOfGas;
  car::car(int, int);
  car::car(int, int, double, double);


  wheels = 4;
  windows = 4;

car::car(int wheel, int window){
  wheels = wheel;
  windows = window;

car::car(int wheel, int window, double totalMiles, double maxGas){
  wheels = wheel;
  windows = window;
  figureMPG(totalMiles, maxGas);

int main(){
  car Sonata(6, 8, 350, 18);

  cout << "The Hyundai Sonata has " << Sonata.wheels << " wheels " << Sonata.windows << " Windows, and gets " << Sonata.fuelEconomy << " mpg" <
